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Lou Steiger

Lou teaching in Mexico City 2022

"Rhythm is something that comes from nature - it's not something humans invented. Frequencies and patterns, music and even dance can be observed and measured in nature. Movement is energy and dance combines musical interpretation with physical activity. Dancing therefore is an activity which brings us back to the most basic behavior which can ground us and even has the power to heal us by focussing on the present moment and letting go of everything else our mind tends to hold on to. The mentioned aspects are associated with protective health effects. Not only dementia, Alzheimer and other neurodegenerative processes can be slowed down or prevented through regular dance exercise. But also mental and physical well being like fitness and a feeling of happiness can be increased by dancing.

More scientific research needs to be done. Nevertheless current results are linked to amazing benefits for those who regularly dance. "

Lou  (Dancer, Bachata Instructor, Event Organizer and Psychology Student M.Sc.)

Early years

Lou started dancing when she was 4 years old. The first dance she learned was Ballett. Later on she started taking Hip Hop classes in addition. In her late teenage years she was most likely found in the clubs dancing all night. The joy she felt by moving to the music and expressing herself freely was incomparable to any other physical activity she knew. While she always danced at home in front of the mirror, trying to copy the dance moves she saw in the music videos of Beyoncé, Justin Timberlake, Usher, Sean Paul, Shakira, etc., she never thought she would be a dance instructor one day.

Spanish language and Latin-America 

Her curiosity and interest in the Spanish-speaking cultures made her want to be able to speak Spanish. So she started translating Spanish song lyrics of Shakira and Ricky Martin. When her school finally offered Spanish classes she was the first one to sign up. By that time she already knew she wanted more than that. That's why she packed her bags and went off to live in Argentina after her graduation in 2012. Tango und Flamenco had called her attention, too. The fierceness and sensuality of the Spanish women and Latinas have their unique magic which got Lou enchanted, up until this day.


Lou's first encounter with Bachata

After having lived several months in Argentina and later on in Spain (2014), Bachata found its way into Lou's life in 2015, when she was 22 years old. It was another travel which would change her life in a way she would have never guessed:

With only a backpack she flew by herself to Dominican Republic and stayed with the locals. They introduced her to Bachata and Merengue and showed her how Dominican culture was like. The whole vibe was so special to her, Lou immediately fell in love with the feeling she got when people got together to dance casually while drinking rum.

Back in Germany the first thing she did was sign up to a Bachata class in Aachen, NRW. After having met her former partner she started training every day. What was a hobby became quickly a serious thing which lead them to do a teacher's training in order to become more professional. With a small group of people they had started to teach together in Aachen in 2016.

The Bachata Sensual era of "Jorge & Lou"

After having moved to Tübingen for her studies, Lou and her former partner finally started to establish proper Bachata classes in Tanzschule Salsamara in 2017 in Tübingen. From 1 class with 6 couples they ended up having 8 weekly classes and about 130 students. Lou and her partner became one of the most known and booked Bachata Sensual style teacher couples in Germany, teaching in parties and festivals in Germany, France, Switzerland and even in Ecuador and Mexico.

In 2021 Jorge & Lou ended their common dance projects.

Lou's solo projects

Lou continued to teach as a solo female artist in Tübingen, while also starting her new courses in Stuttgart, establishing role-rotation as a fundamental concept of her partnerwork classes from there on. Being the first woman in Bachata in Germany - and one of the first ones in Europe - to teach everybody how to lead and how to follow from the beginning, Lou struggled at first to find confidence in her own leading, since she had always been a follower up until this point. Nowadays it's one of her biggest achievements to normalize dancing both roles in Bachata and she has become a role model for many others. In her event line "Role Rotation" she first brought Felipe & Tiago, the official creators of "Role-Rotation", to Germany (2022, 2023).

Different Bachata styles

While throughout the years she had lost sight of the traditional Dominican style of dancing Bachata, which was the one she originally fell in love with, she started to reconnect more intensively with Dominican Bachata style in 2019 through the encounter with Bhavin & Soonruta (India - now Cologne). After the pandemic she included and pushed Dominican style more actively in her own classes and events.

Bachata Sensual, the "Spanish" Bachata style, which combines different dance styles to make them suitable for modern Bachata music, is the style Lou got 2 certificates in (2017, 2018) by absolving a program and test guided by Korke & Judith from Cádiz (Spain), the so called "creators of Bachata Sensual". While loving the sensual and fluid look of Bachata Sensual style, Lou experienced that Bachata Sensual can be quite challenging, especially as a female follower. Questioning the existing trends of Bachata Sensual lead her to focus more and more on Dominican style. Coming back to the roots made her create the event line "The Roots of Bachata". Her events which promote the Bachata Sensual style are called "The Sensual Experience".

Bachata Stuttgart by Lou

Nowadays Lou is known for teaching different Bachata styles and role-rotation. Even though she continues to teach lessons and workshops in and outside Germany, such as in Spain, Switzerland, France, Mexico and even Barbados, Lou has organized more than 9 big events with some of the top international artists like Ozkar Hernandez (Mexico), Felipe & Tiago (Spain), Argenis & Carolina (Spain), Christian & Gabriella (Spain), Samy el Mágico (France), Bhavin & Soonruta (Cologne), or Issam & Charlott (Germany) in Stuttgart, Southern Germany, where she lives.

By supporting less known artists and DJs from Germany and Europe, Lou hosts her monthly Bachata party Noche de Bachata, and opens the stage to "smaller" teachers and dancers she values. These artists give special workshops or pre-party workshops and or guest-teach in her weekly classes. 

Her personal Bachata style can be described as a mix of modern and traditional elements. While Lou enhances the importance of the hip movements in the steps, which have their origin in the Dominican style, she loves to play with the body waves and other elements of the modern and Sensual Bachata style, too. All this combined with the fact that all of her students learn how to lead and how to follow make Bachata Stuttgart by Lou a very unusual Bachata Dance School. And as though she has come a long way to be where she is now, yet she continues to learn and improve her own dancing constantly. It's certainly fair to say that Lou offers high quality dance lessons and hosts high quality Bachata events. The participants appreciate the interesting workshop topics, the unique ambience and the quality of teachers, DJs, and music in Lou's events, parties and courses.

Personal information

Lou was born close to Cologne (Germany), went to school in Aachen and studied Psychology at University of Tübingen. While building her dance projects in Stuttgart Lou is currently also doing her masters in Psychology. Her native language is German, nevertheless she also speaks also Spanish and English. Lou's interest in getting to know different cultures makes her travel around the world whenever she can. In her free time she likes to go to art galleries and the theatre. Very likely you might also find her in a café, writing or reading or wandering around in the streets.

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